"Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation."
Isaiah 12:3 

Wells of Wisdom

Wells of Wisdom

Brenham, TX 77833, USA



Incredible "Pumpkin & Pizza Party." at Faith Mission & Brenham ISD SMART program. ~No Ghost & Gobblins

Thank you to St. Peter's Episcopal Church, Mrs. Carol Muegge, Doug Peck, Margaret Broadbent, Ellen Warburton Vaughn & Kathryn Booth for the 9th Annual Pumpkin & Pizza Celebration. Michael Groves Prairie Hill VfdElizabeth Whittington Zwiener



S.M.A.R.T. Kids 2017 Summer Program

2015 Pumpkins and Pizza

2018 Pumpkins and Pizza

2015 SMART Kids End of School Party

2014 SMART Kids Christmas Party